Here at The Renegade Golf Training Institute, we take a slightly different path toward golf mind training and mental game mastery.
Big surprise, eh?
Sure, there are lots of the “traditional” sports psychology methods that work fine for golf, at least some of the time.
You know what I’m talking about – think positive, one shot at a time, target focus etc.
Nothing wrong with all that stuff, in fact, I encourage you to use any of it that works well for you.
But I would also suggest that you “take a walk on the wild side” with our techniques, because most of our golfers find that a combination of the traditional methods and the not-so-vanilla tactics yield the best results.
So on that note, todays video is a demonstration of one of our techniques for eliminating negative mental/emotional states… allowing you to then replace them with more productive ones.
This goes beyond “positive thinking”, because we are not just ignoring how you feel i.e. nervous, angry, frustrated, embarrassed etc. Instead, we are focusing on it and using a meridian-based technique to “clear out” those emotions.
It is referred to as “Tapping” and is basically like acupuncture, except with your fingertips instead of needles.
I know, it sounds pretty corny.
So I have no intention of trying to convince you that it works most of the time for most golfers (which it does), but rather will walk you through a 5 minute routine, so you can judge for yourself.
Temporarily suspend your dis-belief, and give it a go:
Use this technique to control your golf mind and your mental/emotional states.
Please keep me posted on your results and if you have any questions, in the comments below.
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