Golf is a Sport. Golfers are Athletes. Train Like One!

The Anti-Rotation Golf Exercise For Stability And Distance

golf exercise

It will come as no surprise to you that golf is a rotational sport, and therefore your golf exercise routine should include rotational movements.

There are lots of great exercises to choose from, including variations of chopping and throwing/swinging.

The problem arises when these types of exercises are included in a program before your body is ready for them.

As always… it’s always about proper progression, both in exercise selection and intensity.

For a beginner or someone who hasn’t worked out in a long time (which would technically be a beginner, btw) to jump right into smashing medicine balls into the wall would be a mistake.

Throwing and smashing things in a rotational pattern for golf power is a ton of fun, no doubt… but you need to prepare your body to be able to withstand that kind of force, and reap the benefits of those exercises.

My favorite exercise for achieving this goal is actually an ANTI-rotation static hold.

This is a safe way for a beginner to build up the rotational muscles of the core, without the stress on the spine of the more advanced exercises.

The video below is one of over 40 exercises detailed in my forthcoming project The Power Golf Fitness System, to be released next month.

Look for more info on that shortly, but for now just check out the video and let me know if you have ANY questions.

Consider me your golf fitness caddy 😉

Choose the right exercises at the right time… and Get After Old Man Par!

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