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Golf Weight Shift Exercise

Many of my PGA golf instructor clients tell me that their amateur students can have a tough time with proper weight transfer onto their lead leg. Of course, this can greatly diminish their ability to create consistent power, not to mention putting additional stress over time on their shoulders, elbows, and wrists.

In today’s video, I’ll share with you a golf weight shift exercise that not only helps in feeling that weight shift and post onto the lead leg, but can also be used to develop both strength and power with your hip rotation.

I picked up this exercise from Jason Glass, the man to know when it comes to all things Power, at the Titleist Performance Institute. He was kind enough to speak with me after a long day of teaching at my last TPI Power Coach Level 2 Certification Seminar. Be sure to check out The Jason Glass Performance Lab; this guy is good! 😉

I demonstrate and review how this exercise, named “Pivot & Post”, can be used for improving the kinesthetic feel of weight shifting onto the lead led, and also how it can be integrated into both a golf strength and power exercise.

Check it out, and as always, please post below in the comment section if you have any questions.

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