Golf is a Sport. Golfers are Athletes. Train Like One!

Author name: Coach Stephen

Renegade Coach Stephen Ladd empowers golfers of all levels to slash their handicaps through cutting-edge golf fitness, nutrition and psychology. His results-focused techniques have been utilized by golfers in over 43 countries.

In-Season Junior Golf Workouts

Here at Renegade Golf Fitness, we’ve had  great off-season junior golf workouts and training cycles with a bunch of dedicated and talented juniors. Across the board, they’ve excelled at all levels of performance attributes, including postural and structural integrity, stability, range of motion… and then the really FUN STUFF – getting stronger and producing maximum

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The Secret To “Deep” Golf Practice

Today I’d like to share a short review of an excellent book titled The Talent Code, by Daniel Coyle. This easy-to-read, cutting-edge manifesto on the current research regarding HOW top performers develop what appears to be other-worldly skills, gives all of us “average” golfers valuable insights into maximizing our own golf practice and performance. For

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